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Monitoring in Belu Regency, See the achievements of CRS activities in 2 locations

Okunma Sayısı: 66
Monitoring in Belu Regency, See the achievements of CRS activities in 2 locations
In Belu Regency, the Ministry of Social Affairs' overseas cooperation working group together with representatives from the Ministry of State Secretariat conducted monitoring at the CRS activity location.



Monitoring in Belu Regency, See the achievements of CRS activities in 2 locations




In Belu Regency, the Ministry of Social Affairs' overseas cooperation working group together with representatives from the Ministry of State Secretariat conducted monitoring at the CRS activity location. This monitoring was carried out as preparation for Monitoring and Evaluation ahead of the end of the MSP between the Ministry of Social Affairs and CRS for the 2021-2024 period. Before conducting monitoring in the field, the monitoring group was facilitated by CRS and its local partners to conduct an audience with the Deputy Regent of Belu and the ranks of the Belu Regency Government.

The Deputy Regent of Belu enthusiastically welcomed the arrival of the monitoring team from the center. He said that he had known about CRS activities since he was a child. Furthermore, the Deputy Regent of Belu challenged CRS to be more innovative in the future. In addition, the Deputy Regent of Belu also encouraged his staff to be able to work together with CRS and its local partners in Belu Regency, both in terms of field techniques and administration.

CRS in Belu Regency

Catholic Relief Service (CRS) is an international Catholic humanitarian organization that focuses on alleviating poverty and suffering. CRS has been working in Indonesia since 1950. Currently, CRS in carrying out its activities collaborates with the Ministry of Social Affairs as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MSP).

CRS collaborates with local governments, community organizations, and local communities to help communities in various ways, such as efforts to increase agricultural production, community economy, and disaster preparedness.

One of the areas that is the locus of CRS activities in Indonesia is Belu Regency, which is located in East Nusa Tenggara Province. Belu Regency has an area of ​​​​approximately 1,768 square kilometers and a population of around 170,000 people. The majority of the population of Belu Regency is the Timorese.

Monitoring CRS activities in Belu Regency
One of the locations of CRS activities in the 2021-2024 MSP period is Rinbesihat Village in West Tasifeto District and Dafala Village located in East Tasifeto District.

Also Read: TPOA Monitoring and Evaluation Team Visits Local Government and 2 Locations in Belu Regency. Sigi

Monitoring in Rinbesihat Village

The team moved to Rinbesihat Village from Atambua at around 08.30 WITA. Before arriving at the Village office, the Team was shown the results of making Gabions to hold back river erosion by the Rinbesihat Village Disaster Preparedness Group. The group initiated by CRS and Cis Timor made the gabions through mutual cooperation with the support of village funds for the provision of materials. https://pafikabbelu.org 

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